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Loving Your Aging Face

As we get older, we’re fortunate to hold more and more memories, life lessons, and adventures. These things are gifts, and they often begin to show in little laugh lines, eye crinkles, and other signs of aging. And while it might be tempting to look in the mirror and lament the physical signs of getting older, learning to love your aging face – and all of the wonderful memories that come with it – is one of the most joyful parts of your golden years. Find out more about loving your aging face – no nips, tucks, or makeup required.

Loving Your Aging Face

Talk to Your Doctor About Caring for Your Skin

Skincare isn’t just for women – no matter who you are, taking care of your skin can be a wonderful ritual at the beginning and end of every day. After all, your skin is your largest organ, and caring for it is a crucial part of staying healthy as you get older. If you’re not sure where to start, check in with your primary care doctor or dermatologist. They can help you create a skincare plan that’s right for you, keeping an eye on any trouble areas and maintaining the soft, supple skin you love.

Protect Your Face from the Sun

Wrinkles, fine lines, and occasional age spots are perfectly natural signs of a life well lived. But some symptoms – discolored patches or abnormal moles, for example – can be signs of sun damage. If you’re not already invested in protecting your skin from the sun, now is a great time to start. Proper sun protection can help reduce the risk of skin cancer, but it can also reduce dry and thinning skin concerns. Start by wearing protective clothing when you venture into bright sunlight; you can also seek shade when you’re outdoors. Finally, be sure to apply a broad-spectrum, water-resistant sunscreen with at least SPF 30 every day. If you’re not sure which sunscreen is right for you, talk to your doctor.

Keep Your Face Hydrated

You’ve probably heard that the eyes are the window to the soul. You can keep the skin around your eyes glowing and hydrated by drinking enough water; however, as you get older, you might find that your facial skin is a little drier than you’re used to. This can be due to a combination of factors including spending too much time in the sun, smoking, stress, or just general aging. Some health conditions including diabetes and kidney disease can also lead to dry skin. No matter what causes your dry skin, take time to show your skin some love with lotions, creams, or ointments at least once a day. You might also opt for mild soap, which you can find at most drugstores. Finally, try adding some moisture to your space with a humidifier.

Celebrating Your Skin

Skincare treatments and sunscreen are one thing. But at the end of the day, loving your aging face comes down to your mindset. At first, it might be startling to see your face changing in the mirror. Just remember that, despite what magazines and TV ads tell us, aging is a beautiful, natural process. If you feel uncomfortable with your appearance as you get older, try journaling about where those feelings come from. Rewrite the script and remind yourself that your smile lines and changing skin are the result of an ever-changing store of memories – and there are plenty more wonderful memories to come.


Between proper skincare, sun protection, and an overall mindset shift, loving your aging face is an ongoing process. Just remember that your face is a reflection of your life, and your life is something to be proud of.

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